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How you can give and help the work of god

"There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty" (Prov. 11:24). Child of God, it is the intention of God to make you bigger than you are financially, that's why He gives you this ample opportunity to give for the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth.


Congratulations as you make this opportunity count.

ways you can donate:

In Person

You can walk into any of the following banks with the details and make your donation 


Acct No: 5600599768 Acct name Prophetic mantle of glory ministry
Bank :Fidelity bank

Acct no. 0162669744
Acct name Great Toryila Uselegh
Bank Union

Acct no: 6311257336
Acct name Great Toryila Uselegh
Bank Fidelity bank

Acct no. 3080076661
Acct name Great Toryila Uselegh
Bank Polaris.


You can click on the Donate button below and follow the prompt to enable you make your donations through your bank credit or debit card.


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